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Southwest Michigan

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21 Things 4 Students program transforms tech-based curriculum

A simple question holds big answers in education these days: why are teachers working to incorporate technology into lesson plans?


Service learning from the source: An AmeriCorps VISTA's journey

Why do service learning at all? Teachers are already swamped with content and criteria. After only three months and first-hand experience facilitating and witnessing service learning, I am convinced that every student should be exposed. Every young person becomes a member of society; therefore, they must play an active part in it.


From cradle to career: The scope of special education today

It takes an army. Intermediate school district administrators, educators and parents all play a role in order to provide students with disabilities the education they deserve and a chance to lead self-determined, independent lives.


START Community Conversations help students gain valuable opportunities

For decades, employees at DTE Energy in Detroit used an outdated filing system. It didn’t work properly and everyone hated using it. Anthony changed all that.


Otsego students expand art education and explore ArtPrize

From painting to sculpting to chalk and paper mache, there are all types of art that students are exposed to in school. Otsego students, however, have unique opportunities to step out of their classes and experience art as a professional artist and view professional artists at work.
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