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Chippewa River Writing Project
Thursday, July 16, 2015
As a site of the National Writing Project, the Chippewa River Writing Project adheres to a model of “teachers teaching teachers” and invites you to join us for a four-week invitational summer institute that will engage you as a writer and teacher of writing.
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Mid Michigan
Turning parents into teachers to fight the "summer slide"
PBS News Hour
Thursday, June 18, 2015
Teachers know that their students may have regressed over the summer. One program has made strides in preventing summer learning loss by enlisting parents as partners to help teach children. Special correspondent for education John Merrow reports on Springboard Collaborative, a non-profit organization that makes parents and teachers into partners.
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L'Anse Cruese Pankow TV and broadcast media advertises with class-made commerical
Pankow TV & Broadcast Media
Thursday, May 21, 2015
This video created by the L'Anse Creuse Pankow TV and broadcast media class features multiple camera angles, original soundtrack, key framing and simple transitions, advertising the aspects of the course.
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Southeast Michigan
My Green School Art contest challenged students
USGBC Detroit Regional Chapter
Thursday, April 16, 2015
USGBC Detroit Regional Chapter's My Green School Art Contest challenged students across the State of Michigan to show how their school can be green.
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Southeast Michigan
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Mid Michigan
Change the first five years and you change everything
The Ounce
Thursday, March 19, 2015
If we invest in programs that promote learning beginning at birth, the statistics will change, the stories will change, the future will change.
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Superintendent of Albion Public Schools talks about what inspires her every day
Michigan Association of School Administrators
Thursday, February 19, 2015
Jerri-Lynn Williams-Harper, superintendent of Albion Public Schools, talks about what inspires her every day.
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Mid Michigan
Tomorrow's leaders: Longacre Elementary
Thursday, January 22, 2015
Longacre Elementary School is preparing its students for a 21st century economy. Elementary students are learning problem solving, cooperation and civic mindedness – lessons that can make them better citizens, confident leaders and employers and entrepreneurs of the future. This is the story of Longacre Elementary School.
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Southeast Michigan
What students really need to hear
Chase Mielke
Thursday, December 18, 2014
Chase Mielke, a 2014 Michigan Teacher of the Year nominee, shares what students really need to hear.
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Southwest Michigan
Downriver High School basketball program lifts students above challenges
Tri-County Alliance for Public Education
Thursday, October 16, 2014
In a small community in western Wayne County, a basketball program is turning around young lives. This is their story.
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Southeast Michigan
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